We value the children that God has entrusted to us. Our goal is to show our children the love of Jesus and to teach them the truth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our desire is to bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus and to help them grow in faith and spiritual maturity.
Children's Sunday Schedule 9:30am Sunday School & Nursery 11:00 am Preschool/Children's Church & Nursery
Camp- Wednesday Nights @ 7:00pm
Camp Camp is our Wednesday Night Children's Ministry for preschool through sixth grade. Our children experience games, snack, worship, and a message that helps them understand more of who God is and who he desires them to be!
Annual Events
Everyone in the community is invited to our annual EASTER EGG HUNT. We have a fun lesson, carnival type games, a bounce house and of course lots of eggs for kids to hunt! It takes place the Saturday before Easter at 10 am.
Family Nights- These are nights everyone is invited to whether it be a movie night, a game night, Disney night, etc. We have many activities to do and lots of fun! There is not set times for these, so be on the lookout for times and dates!
Vacation Bible School- Every summer we spend one week having so much fun learning about God. We have dinner together each night, plus games, crafts, music and Bible stories. This year the dates of VBS are August 9-13. It's offered to kids ages 4- 6th grade. Hope your kids are planning on joining us!